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Silent Partner Ball Machines

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Super fan
Super fan

Inscrit le: Mar 10, 2007
Messages: 192

MessagePosté le: 16.05.2010, 17:50:43    Sujet du message: Silent Partner Ball Machines Répondre en citant

I saw the advertised link to Silent Partner ball machines. I have one of their Lite models, and I love it! It's helped my forehand, backhand and net game tremendously. I play with a one-handed backhand like Richie, and the machine has helped turn it into a strong and consistent shot. I highly recommend these machines.
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Master Fan
Master Fan

Inscrit le: Jan 22, 2008
Messages: 580
Localisation: US

MessagePosté le: 26.09.2010, 05:10:16    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hey Edberg,

How long have you been using your SP Lite ball machine? did you have problems so far? is it easy to operate? Is it lightweight? I am considering buying a ball any more comments you have on the SP lite is very much appreciated......I've rented machines at the tennis club, as it is normally difficult to schedule time with my tennis pals....

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Super fan
Super fan

Inscrit le: Mar 10, 2007
Messages: 192

MessagePosté le: 04.10.2010, 03:53:49    Sujet du message: Great machine! Répondre en citant

I've had my Silent Partner Lite machine for 16 months. I've used it quite a bit, and I have had no problems at all. It has worked perfectly from day one.

It did accumulate kind of a heavy, dirty film on the top wheel that was beginning to make the shots coming off it erratic in depth. But I cleaned that off, and that got rid of the problem. That was just an accumulation of grime from a lot of use which simply needed cleaning.

My machine is battery powered only, and the battery works great. I can set it up and use it for a couple hours of steady hitting (just stopping to pick up the balls and reload). The battery shows no weakness during such a workout. I take it home and plug it into its charger right away and let it recharge overnight. I've probably used the machine a hundred times over these 16 months, and the battery still works like new. I worried about the reliability of the battery models, but purchased one anyway because I wasn't sure there was AC power at all the courts in town. Plus the plug-in models cost more. But the battery has greatly exceeded my expectations for power and stamina.

The machine will last longer than I will in a workout. I typically hit about 500 balls in a workout using Luxilon string. So that's enough for me. Don't want my arm to fall off. Sometimes I also take my son and we both use it. The battery never has run down before we were through.

I also didn't bother with the expensive remote-control option. It's expensive and really not necessary.

I wish I had owned a machine like this years ago. I've improved my strokes so much! Before I was always a little nervous in a rally thinking I would sail a forehand long or shank a backhand or flub a short low ball when I forced a short shot from my opponent. But now I never worry about missing a routine shot. I'm quite surprised if I do make an unforced error. This has helped my confidence a lot and raised my level of play. I play USTA League tennis, and now most guys I play against will not rally from the baseline with me. They know I don't miss, and if I get a short ball I will punish it without error. So my opponents try to resort to junk balling me, drop shots, chips, coming to the the net, anything to throw off my rhythm and avoid letting me take charge of the point from a baseline rally.

I live in a small city with no private tennis clubs, and there are few good players to practice with. So this machine lets me have a great practice session anytime I want. I never have to worry about finding someone to practice with. The machine is portable and light (yet powerful). I just put it in the back of my car in the morning and take it to work with me, and then I can stop off at the public tennis courts on the way home and hit as long as I like without wasting time hoping a partner will show up.

My machine was a closeout model. They had redesigned the the exterior of the machine to give it a different look and had discounted the price about $200. I got it for just under $500. A great deal! But I would pay a thousand dollars for the machine (or a similar machine) because it has helped my game so much and I live in a small city without a tennis club and only a few good players.

I have a wife, children and a career with responsibilities. All these things make my free time very valuable. The ball machine lets me maximize my free time for playing tennis. And I can get much better results perfecting my technique with the machine than against typical players around here. And I don't have to run all over the court, wearing my hips and knees out just to work on stroke production. I can just execute proper footwork and swing technique for the shot I want to practice. So this also makes each hour I spend practicing on the machine much more valuable than just hitting around with average players who cannot sustain a controlled rally. So if your time is valuable a ball machine is a wonderful investment. You get results much faster and never waste time. And if the chance to hit with a good player or to play a practice match presents itself, push the machine aside.

I used a larger professional ball machine at a club I once belonged to in a larger city, and this portable battery-powered model works just as well. Again, the Silent Partner Lite machine has far exceeded my expectations. You probably can buy a better machine for a higher price, but this machine is fantastic for what I paid for it. I bought it new direct from the factory in Canada.
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Master Fan
Master Fan

Inscrit le: Jan 22, 2008
Messages: 580
Localisation: US

MessagePosté le: 04.10.2010, 05:35:00    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Edberg, Thanks a lot for your inputs. It really helped me in my decision to purchase an SP Lite. I just placed an order with SP through their web...I made my research and read quite a few reviews and also saw vids of the machine but I also needed inputs from someone I "know" (well, I call you someone I "know" because we've been here supporting Richard all these years).......I really appreciate your inputs. The Lite model seems to be the cheaper one out there but with good features - I like that it has spin control (topspin to backspin) and especially the random oscillator and the 10-95mph speed control. I did not order a remote-I feel it is a bit too much....

In my case, it's always difficult to schedule time with my practice partners...lucky if I will have them once a week - that is a remote possibility.....and yes, with my own machine I can practice my strokes and workout anytime I want.

Again, many thanks. Very Happy
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Little Fan
Little Fan

Inscrit le: Aug 16, 2017
Messages: 5
Localisation: Canada

MessagePosté le: 16.08.2017, 14:17:25    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I used to do tennis and you used these machines in training. I had a very good time. So the machines really help me to work out the right and strong blow. Thanks to our services you can read review about riverbelle casino mobile at our site
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